If I could only get into a more consistent blogging schedule like a REAL blogger, I might not have to post these "I'm back again" posts every couple of years! (sigh...)
But let's face it, teachers are humans too, and there are only so many hours in the day!
So, it's been so long that I actually had to go back through the archived posts and see what I've already written about. Let's face it, I started this blog in 2011, and in the edtech realm, that's an eternity! So long, in fact, that this tool has changed names since I started using it years ago.
LessonPaths (formerly Mentormob) is a cloud-based tool used to create playlists of websites, documents, images, and quizzes. With an available Chrome extension, Lessonpaths makes it easy to gather materials on a specific topic, or for a specific student with the click of a button.
This particular example is where I keep my "Brain Breaks" for easy access. Most of them are YouTube videos, which are particularly easy to organize and access with LessonPaths, but the advantage that YouTube playlists don't have, is that I can also add blogposts from other language teachers whose Brain Breaks might need more explanation, so I save the whole page for reference. I can add links to Google Docs -- my own or others', images, or even create quizzes and articles, although I don't use those features very frequently (read: at all).
I think of LessonPaths as a simplified internet filing cabinet that is student accessible. I have playlists for subtopics, cultural points, individual students -- basically whatever comes along that needs quick organization and quick visual access. Students like that they can move through the steps at their own pace, see what's ahead, and even skip steps that they may not need -- great for differentiation!
Give it a try, and let me know what you think!
Note: I just realized I posted this to the wrong blog. :) So here are some thoughts:
I had my post-observation conference a week or two ago, and my principal commented on his surprise at the fact that I used so little technology (I am 1:1 with Chromebooks this year). The blog for which I had intended this post, is my techie blog for WL teachers -- geared to a far more specific audience. I began that blog, as stated above, in 2011, so my affinity for technology is well known in my building and district. The lesson that he observed was focused on listening skills, and was at the start of a unit. I made the thoughtful decision to use low-tech formative assessment checks for a couple of reasons: First, as great as technology is, raised hands are a far simpler and more effective way for me to get instantaneous information about what students are understanding, and who is on task. Second, as this is our first year with most classes 1:1, many students are struggling with the leap to so much technology all day long. To that end, I have consciously decided that if I am able to do something as effectively without technology, I will, because
It's about the learning.
So, my apologies for being too quick on the post, and not paying attention to my own blog title, but...
As a white teacher in a district with an increasingly diverse student population, but nearly exclusively white adult population (from bus drivers and custodians to Superintendent) I often worry about the impact it has on our students of color to be surrounded by adults who do not look like them, and who cannot relate to their cultural background. I feel the racial tension growing, and I feel powerless to stop it. It truly is frightening. I like to believe that I have the same expectations for all of my students, that is my goal, although I know they do not always believe that. Some feel that they walk into my classroom as if they are walking into enemy territory simply because our skin colors are not the same. I work to overcome that barrier. Sometimes I am successful. Earlier this year I had a "mama bear" moment with my blonde, blue-eyed daughter who was in the lobby of the school where I teach and she is a student (I can be rather loud). One of our African American students (male) happened to be in the lobby at the same time. He started apologizing to me, because I was yelling. He wasn't doing anything wrong. I didn't even know him. I was mortified. I apologized to him, introduced myself, and shook his hand, but left the building feeling that the problems in my school are so deep, and so unknown within the power structure of which I am a part. At the same time, "racism" like "bullying" has become just a word to be thrown around by students -- regardless of color -- in an accusatory manner designed to throw adults off balance, and give them the upper hand in a situation. It has become, for too many adolescents, a tool without meaning. For example, I just finished my third year teaching Spanish, and part of my curriculum is to teach the color words. Negro is the Spanish word for black. Before I could even approach it linguistically, I had to handle the shouts from (mostly white) students "that's racist!" The lone African American student to address the word with me, saw it in a reading passage, raised her hand, and when I approached her table, she whispered to me that she had an "n-word alert". I wanted to hug her for the simple fact that she was so honest and unobtrusive, and never assumed that it was an intentionally harmful word use (although she did not understand it in context at that point.) It took several lessons before my students as a group were able to accept the word negro as just another Spanish word. Shortly after school let out for summer, I attended a writing workshop as part of the Mario Einaudi International Studies Summer Institute (ISSI) given by author Sorayya Khan. One of the pieces she included as recommended reading was Kiese Laymon's essay "How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America". The perspective of an imperfect black man raised to exist in a perpetual stance of self-defense for survival was extraordinarily powerful. It made me sad, angry, ashamed, but most of all, I think, it will make me ever more conscious of the (invisible) struggle faced by our students of color. When I returned home from the conference, I finished Khan's novel City of Spies (a fantastic read) whichincludesthis line by the main character:
"Being white is not being half and half. it's being whole and knowing it"
Aliya is a young girl, half Dutch, half Pakistani living through the anti-American sentiment of the late seventies in Islamabad. She is privileged, relatively, as her family has a servant, but she is only able to attend the American school because of a scholarship. Her closest friend is the blonde-haired, blue-eyed American daughter of a diplomat of whom she is at times envious, curious, protective, and suspicious. Although being mixed-race gave her skin light enough to "pass", by the end of the book she has fully embraced her Pakistani self. That quote really resonated with me in the context of my racial reading and exploring, but I also find it incomplete as far as my own personal identity.
As a white American, (who fully identified as a Peach-American for most of my childhood, thank you Crayola) I come from quite a diverse background. My father is 100% Ukrainian, but I did not learn this fact until I was an adult. I was raised with "dumb Polack" jokes (mostly told by my father), thinking they were about me. In middle school, it was "revealed" to me that I was actually "Russian", not Polish. This was Cold War time ("...we are defined by the wars we have lived..." is another quote from Aliya in City of Spies) and resulted in my being labeled a "Commie" my several of my peers. My maternal grandmother identified only with her Irish father's heritage, but her mother was Quebecoise. That was never discussed. Neither was my maternal grandfather's mixed heritage (Dutch/German). As a result, I've never felt connected to my own personal history. I have never felt whole, and that is a loss I have felt at varying degrees throughout my life. Robin DiAngelo, in her post Why It's So Hard to Talk to White People about Racism writes about "Suggesting that group membership is significant (challenge to individualism)" as a "trigger" of "racial stress for white people". My personal perspective is that group membership has not always come easily for me. Perhaps part of that comes from my lack of feeling a connection with my heritage, maybe it's from fighting so hard and never managing to belong throughout my own years of school, maybe it's from a lifetime of having individuality valued above all else, maybe it's simply a matter of never fully having anyone to rely on besides myself, but that particular statement resonated. The video below gives a unique perspective on privilege, and walking in the shoes of another.
Clearly privilege comes in many forms. Does white privilege exist? Absolutely. Any American who denies it is willfully blind or stupid. But neither should anyone deny the existence of male privilege. It isn't more or less. The hurt isn't bigger or badder, but a little empathy goes a long way. The audience who heard those two speakers -- who listened, probably learned a lot. Carol Hockett, curator of the Johnson Museum of Art, shared these words at the Mario Einaudi International Studies Summer Institute last week "so much depends on your perspective".
Kristin Craig Lai, a white blogger, echoes some of these ideas: "Race is real because it affects the identities and realities of everyone. Not just people of colour, everyone. Whiteness is not a blank slate, it is not the de facto absence of racial identity any more than maleness is the de facto absence of gender. The issue, for any thinking white person, is how do you inhabit and experience your whiteness? What does it mean to you to hold a racial identity that comes with so much privilege? What can you do to recognize your privilege and address it in a meaningful way? And if you answer that question with anything that sounds like, “Well I’m X so I’m oppressed too” you’re missing the point. Identity is a complicated and ever shifting thing. If you engage in the “more oppressed than thou” game everyone loses. The point is to think consciously and openly about what kind of privilege you benefit from and what that means."
Marilyn Rhames wrote this EdWeek Blogpost that I loved. However, I was appalled by some of the comments that people, presumably educators, given the source of the post, made. Others were more thoughtful, including one from a poster named Robin who called the "worst kind of racism...when one knows not that he knows not". The fact is, we are not living in a post-racial society. Systemic racism is part of the American culture, and we are all products of the culture in which we are raised. It is inescapable. The best we all can hope for is to continue to listen, learn, and heal.
If you're courageous enough, take this Harvard survey about implicit racism. You may (or may not) learn something about yourself. (My results were inconclusive...for whatever it was worth...)
I promise, my next post will not start with a quote from Mara Sapon-Shevin's Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms. My next post. This quote she uses to draw a parallel between implementing desegregation and implementing inclusion: "attempts...implemented without thoughtful planning and consistent monitoring are unlikely to succeed."
So, in addition to desegregation and inclusion, it almost seems like a no-brainer that should widely be applied to anything brought to the table, specifically in the realm of education.
I have long said that my least favorite word in education is initiative. The word itself carries with it the implication that the newest, latest, and greatest idea, innovation, or reboot will be initiated, begun, launched, started. The word itself implies a distinct lack of follow-through.
So when I joined a project that will pilot interdisciplinary learning over three years, and examine data upon completion, a project that will not begin until a year of planning has happened, I could not have been more excited.
My work on the PBIS Team at my High School I find very meaningful, because we are heading into our eighth year, we are constantly examining data from a variety of resources including student attendance, discipline and academics, and attitude surveys of staff, students and team members. Our decisions are directly influenced by the data and feedback, both formal and informal.
I also work with the School Improvement Team, which meets regularly to evaluate our annual plan which fits into the district's five year Strategic Plan. This team of teacher leaders and administrators is responsible for driving professional development in the building, as well as making sure all PLCs and teams within the building are working toward the same goal. More "thoughtful planning and consistent monitoring" leading to successful implementation and more often than not reaching of our goals.
What teams or committees do you participate on in your school? Are they meaningful to you? Are you able to effect positive change? If not, are parts of the "inclusion model" missing, can you change that, or is it time to revisit your participation in exchange or something where you can make a difference?
Again I am drawing on the words of Mara Sapon Shevin and her moving and enthralling book Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms. She says"This is an inclusion model; we acknowledge the challenges, and we figure out -- together -- how to make it work."
If we put the inclusion model into perspective, clearly it needs to incorporate all four Cs to be successful. Logically speaking, inclusion can only benefit all students, as they would be required to use all of these skills on a daily basis as part of an inclusive community.
How about Project (or Problem) Based Learning? While true that it would involve some out-of-the box thinking to effectively design a year-long project involving the whole class, the driving question of "How do we, as members of ........class include every member of our learning community in all of our activities throughout the school year?" This driving question would acknowledge the challenges of including students of all needs, no matter how varied or intense, and the solutions would require ongoing communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity -- there can be no doubt -- and that's before the curriculum even starts.
That simple statement regarding the "inclusion model" has really got me thinking about how I will be approaching my classroom in the fall, and I am so grateful I did not wait until the last minute to start reading it!
So you get your class list in September, and then what? You're the teacher. You have access to the room, so you decorated to meet your anticipated needs. You also have your class lists, which provide basic information about each student from the SMS.
You could send out surveys to parents asking what they want you to know about their child.
You could send surveys to each student asking what and how they would like to learn this year. What strategies are successful, and what simply aren't. Who do they like to study with, or do they really study best solo.
I know a lot of teachers who don't want to know anything about their students until they meet them, feeling that its unfair to draw conclusions in advance. That, I think is a personal preference.
I know other teachers who think it's foolish to seek out this information. They simply don't want to get to know their students. I find that to be a form of educational malpractice.
The relationships must come first. One of my mantras is: Teach the students, not the curriculum. The state may not see it that way with its high stakes testing designed to "hold teachers accountable" for the "product" of student learning (as if we were making widgets), but it looks like I'll be around to give it another go next year.
I actually fall into paragraphs one, two and three. And I chat up my students in the hall -- at random, if they're looking particularly happy, if they're looking particularly sad, if they seem really angry. If I see any drastic change in mood, I'll do something, because as much as I do try to make my classroom something of a family (however dysfunctional) that makes me, as the de facto matriarch, responsible to keep things running smoothly, and make sure everyone feels like they BELONG so that learning is maximized (see, there is a method to my mushy madness).
I'm doing a book study this summer on Mara Sapon-Shevin's Widening the Circle: The Power of the Inclusive Classrooms (as I've mentions, and as you must have figured out from my recent posts. She writes that mainstreaming literature from the late 70s and 80s "presupposes that it is the job of the (special needs) child to fit into the existing classroom structure...little or no burden or responsibility is placed on the teacher and students in the regular classroom to modify what they do to create a successful learning environment for the mainstreamed child (or for anyone else)."
So I used the phrase "classroom community" in the title of this post, very deliberately. In your classroom community, everyone should feel welcome. As the teacher, it is your job to set that tone in September, model it every day, build it up when it lags, and bring new members into the fold with as much warmth as possible -- and I truly mean this whether you teach Pre-K or Advanced Calculus.. Children take more educational risks when they feel safe. School, for too many children, is a safer place than home. This is the part of the job not measured by test scores, but do not think that it has no influence or impact on learning.
How do you build and maintain your classroom community?
...preparing our students to succeed in a complex, interconnected, ever-changing world...
an excerpt from my school district's mission statement.
From Mara Sapon-Shevin's Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms regarding traditional criteria for mainstreaming students: "it assumes that the regular classroom will inevitably be structured competitively and that the child with disabilities will therefore be expected to behave competitively to be successful."
Alfie Cohn is unwavering in his opinion that there is no value whatsoever in competition in the classroom. He goes so far as to suggest that teachers who walk the middle of the road on this issue do so out of a misguided fear to take a stand.
In my classroom, I find many students drawn to competitive activities. They clamor for them. Many of these students are competitive athletes, for whom competition is already a big part of their lives. Others are students who I find much more willing to engage in competition than any other type of classroom activity -- even though they may not be as successful, due to their habitual disengagement.
My favorite competitive classroom activity is one I borrowed from Lauri Clarcq & Karen Moretti years ago, at the start of my career, and have since twisted into something more suited to my own personality. It is a team game, so is competitive in a cooperative manner. There is some measure of competency in the content required to continue to the "luck" portion of the game, but from there, team balance is irrelevant (since students tend to be regularly sent back and forth between teams at random) because point values fluctuate wildly based purely on luck. Clear as mud? I use it very sparingly, as unit review, but the anticipation is part of its effectiveness.
Two things I fear the "competition abolitionists" are overlooking are the following: the nation of which we are preparing our students to be productive citizens is one driven by a capitalist economy. We cannot deny them the experience of competition and then expect them to be equipped to handle it upon graduation, any more than we can expect them to magically be able to collaborate without having been taught those skills. As in all things, balance is key.
The second thing, is that each of our students is an individual, and deserves to have that fact respected in their educational experience. Just as many students benefit from group learning, and all students need to be taught the skills necessary to succeed working in a group, there are students who thrive in competition. Those students deserve to have that learning style honored, even if it isn't currently en vogue.
I'm involved in a summer book study of Widening the Circle: The Power of Inclusive Classrooms by Mara Sapon-Shevin. I joined the book study because for the past several years I have been scheduled to teach classes with a high number of students who receive some kind of SpEd accommodations. As a regular education teacher, the sum total of my formal training in the area of Special Education is one graduate level course...in research. Useless to say the least, but it fuled the requirement, and was the only course that fit my schedule at the time. Since then, I have had numerous conversations with Special Ed teachers, paraprofessionals, students and parents, as well as attending g workshops and reading as much as I can to try and add to my bag of tricks so I can best serve the students in my class (read: feel slightly less like a bumbling idiot).
So here I am starting this book, and right from the introduction, I'm recognizing my own daughter. DD1 is graduating high school this very evening, and I couldn't be more proud (read:sobbing mess). She is not a SpEd student, and I didn't think this book was about her, but I was wrong. When she was six weeks old, we discovered that she has a life-threatening allergy to dairy. Along the way peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish, peaches and sesame were added to the list, just to make life more interesting. I went back to work when she was six weeks old (and that's how we discovered the allergy) and shortly thereafter we enrolled her in a private daycare center. The director was not happy to be accepting a child with allergies as severe as hers. The bottle-only months were uneventful, and once she started solids, I just sent all her food. When she joined the toddler classes, I prepared lunches that matched what was on the daycare menu. Every. Day. Things went pretty smoothly, the teachers were great, the only issue we had was when I asked to be informed ahead of time when a classmate woe be bringing treats for the class, so I could bring something for my daughter. I was told it was an unreasonable request. Fast-forward to the day when I brought a holiday treat for the entire class (something that was also safe for my daughter to eat) and one girl told the other kids not to eat my daughter's "weird food". No one did. Fast forward again to kindergarten in her Catholic school where they insisted (despite my protests and evidence from food allergy advocate groups) that she could only be safe sitting at a special "peanut-free" table in the lunchroom. There were no other students with food allergies in the school at that time. Once she came to public school -- the district where I teach -- I had an administrator address me in regard to her, with a note of pity in his voice, "now, she's a special needs student, right?" I told him no, and explained the allergy, but the fact remains that maybe if I had said yes, she wouldn't be graduating without ever havin tased a school lunch. I know, she didn't miss much, and I've told her so, and SHE surely doesn't feel any sense of loss, but the option was never there for her on days she forgot to bring something. Class celebrations are ALWAYS food-centered (and it's almost always pizza) and she cannot participate. For her, it has simply become something she is accustomed to. For me, it has always been heartbreaking. After six years of Marching Band, there was nothing she could eat at her Senior Banquet. Graduation rehearsal? Pizza for everyone. Well, not quite everyone. And I'm sure she isn't alone in our class of seniors whether by medical necessity or dietary choice. Either way, as a school community, we need to become more aware. And now that I'm no longer. "Walking conflict of interest" on this particular issue, I feel like I can make my voice be heard, and maybe make a positive change for others in the boat my daughter was in.
And many heartfelt thanks to the teachers along the way go always has Skittles or Twizzlers on hand when the other kids got chocolate. You will always be remembered, even though she woul never have complained otherwise.
I. Am. Done!!!! I just finished (with two presentations and a paper) the LAST of the classes I was required to take to complete my permanent Spanish Certification. (Can I get an Amen?!?) The realization actually hit me a couple of days ago, that despite the fact that I have precisely one week of consecutive unscheduled time this summer, I am elated, because this is the first summer in several years that I am only doing work that I WANT to do. What an incredible difference that makes! I have more projects in the works than I care to count, all my scheduled travel is work-related, but I am unbelievably excited to get started! I truly didn't realize what an incredible relief it was going to be to have my time be my own again.
Once I hopped down from Cloud 9, it occurred to me that this is probably the way many of our students feel throughout their time in school. Very little of their time is their own. Bells move them from room to room, from compartmentalized subject to compartmentalized subject -- totally contrary to how the "real world" works. They have very limited choice within schedules of requirements packed to the hilt. Within classes, too often the extent of their ability to make any kind of choice is limited to what font they use in a required Powerpoint presentation.
Part of the beauty of my planned work this summer is the development of a pilot program that will (hopefully) begin to change some of these formerly entrenched systems. The concept is a sort of "school-within-a school" that allows for natural connections between and across content areas. Exciting stuff! There are nine teachers from a variety of content specialties who will be collaborating on this pilot. The pilot will continue with three consecutive freshman classes, with data examined along the way. We have the luxury of having a summer and a school year to solidify the plans -- which is great, because there are fabulously strong personalities and undoubtedly many ideas will be bounced around before we find a landing place. But I feel that this passion will be contagious, and will allow our students much more freedom to explore their own passions than a more traditional system.
As with anything new and different, there are naysayers, and there will be bumps in the road. We may end up with data showing that the program is a failure. I don't think so, but we're prepared for that eventuality. Commitment and passion give this a better than average chance of success. Full administrative support doesn't hurt either. :) I will surely be posting updates here about our journey.
Does anyone have any similar programs going on in their schools?
So much has changed since my last post that I hardly know where to begin! If you're a teacher in NYS, you have some idea where I'm coming from. The roller coaster ride that has been my career these last several years is another story all its own. Shortly after my last post, I received news that I was going to be embarking on a new phase to my career-- and not by my choice. A French teacher for 17 years, I was being asked to teach Spanish the following September. My last Spanish class prior to that was as an undergrad about 20 years prior -- SPA 202 to be precise. I needed to take the Content Specialty Test in mid July, in case I didn't pass it the first time it was offered again in July. Three weeks of my life after school ended that year, 7-8 hours a day, I did pass the test. But there was a catch. Apparently I would need 15 more credit hours to make the certification permanent. My last class-- Introduction to Spanish Linguistics-- is over in two days. I can finally reclaim part of my life. The irony, for me, has been that during this three year transition, I served as president of my local professional organization for a year, took over as director of a major district event, filled part of a vacancy as co-coach of my district's PBIS team, and this school year that is (finally) coming to an end, I have presented at a professional event every month except December and January. I've lost all of my French classes, and am now teaching only Spanish. It may seem to many people (because many have said it to me) that I should simply be grateful to have a job. I get that, and I am grateful, but only other language teachers can understand how much of one's identity is tied up in being a French teacher or a Spanish teacher or an Italian teacher. We do so much more than teach Vern conjugations and vocabulary. So this has been equally a period of grieving my former identity, and learning to give up the autonomy that I had working with only one other French teacher, and accept that I am now "low man on the totem pole" on a larger, more contentious team. The rest (more irony) is that within my department I have become more isolated than I have been since the early years of my career. Despite all of this, I am poised to return in the fall (who am I kidding, I have exactly one work-free week this summer) to a course I haven't yet taught, but with one major stressor ?coursework) off my plate. I am on an exciting new team that will be collaborating on a program to be piloted in Fall 2016. This opportunity promises to be a professional stretch in any case. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and I have come out the other side having learned a lot more than what has been on the course syllabi. Onward and upward to make the most of what I am given.